For the Off-Road: Why Lifted Trucks Are Your Ticket to the Great Outdoors

The breathtaking views, the stillness of the landscapes, the thrill of exploring the unknown — everybody loves a great road trip in Arizona. The state is blessed with terrain that’s equal parts beautiful and untamed, providing the most adventurous drivers with unique experiences on every stretch of road.

To fully enjoy the off-road adventures in Arizona, however, you need a reliable vehicle that would still look attractive even if it’s covered in mud and muck from the drive. If off-road adventures are your thing, Canyon State Trucks and SUVs recommends our trusty lifted trucks; they’re the king of the Phoenix off-roading. With a high ground clearance and better gears, these vehicles enable you to brave the wilderness in style.

Better Field of Vision

A big part of the fun of going off-road is the scenery, and a lifted truck offers a better vantage point to enjoy these sights. Because the truck is higher, you have a much better view of the mountains, valleys, and lakes surrounding you. It’s also easier to spot obstacles down the road or anything that might cause accidents, like items that fall from the back of the vehicle you’re following.

Drive with Higher Ground Clearance

The extra height — which sets a lifted truck apart from ordinary vehicles — gives it an advantage over Arizona’s uneven terrain. You can easily handle ascents and descents without damaging the undercarriage; you don’t have to worry about the huge rocks and debris dotting remote trails, either. And if you find yourself back on city streets, your undercarriage stays a safe distance from potholes and deep cracks in the pavement.

Lastly, the higher ground clearance means the tires and wheels get a little extra torque, which, in turn, gives the truck more muscle to power through rough roads.

Explore with Better Suspension

Even though the bumpy ride is part of the fun, you still have to maintain a level of comfort during your trip, especially if you have kids at the back (after all, it’s never too early to introduce your kids to the beauty of the outdoors). Lifted trucks’ raised suspension keeps the vehicle steady as you drive through rocky roads. It also has more room for larger, tougher tires, which will further enhance these capabilities.

In case you have to tow something during the trip, you can rely on your lifted truck to haul a heavy load off the road. Thanks to its higher clearance and heavier weight, a lifted truck has a stronger towing ability.

Drive in Style

It doesn’t hurt that a lifted truck — mud stains and all — looks sensational. Because you’re traversing the remote backcountry, no crowds would be there to gawk at your ride. Fellow off-road adventurers, however, can witness the glory that is your car.

A vehicle’s attractiveness isn’t a factor of an exciting road trip, but it does add to the thrill. Plus, imagine the attention your rugged ride would get as you drive through the streets of Phoenix.

So, if you’re eyeing an adventure in Arizona’s great outdoors, a lifted truck is your best choice. It allows powerful maneuvering and looks spectacular on top of everything, even if it’s covered in silt and sludge.

Start your search for a lifted truck at Canyon State Trucks and SUVs. Get in touch today.

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