Category: New Models

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Top Truck Trends

In the ever-evolving landscape of trucks, 2023 emerges as a hallmark year, marked by a surge in innovative off-road capabilities. As manufacturers continue to push boundaries, the latest trends in truck design and technology promise to redefine the off-road experience.  

Buckle up as we embark on an exciting journey through the top off-road trends that dominated the rugged terrains not only in 2023 but also in the coming year. 

Top Truck Trends
Advanced Suspension Systems: A Smooth Ride on the Roughest Terrain

One of the most notable trends that took the off-road world by storm was the integration of advanced suspension systems. Manufacturers invest heavily in state-of-the-art technologies to ensure a smooth and controlled ride, even on the roughest terrains.  

Hydraulic and electronic suspension systems are becoming commonplace, offering drivers unprecedented control [...]

Best Trucks for Off-Roading Adventures

Many outdoor and truck enthusiasts enjoy the occasional off-roading adventure. However, with prices on the rise, many are discouraged from exploring their options for fear of disappointment in the price tag. 

The key to a quality adrenaline rush lies in selecting the appropriate truck that can provide that experience to you, even if it’s not the most expensive one. So, if you’re looking for Arizona used truck dealers, here are the best features to look for in a used off-roading truck.

Top 5 Features of a Quality Off-Roading Vehicle

Off-Roading Vehicle

A used truck can provide an unforgettable experience if you know what to look for. Below, we picked the top five features that make a used truck the ultimate off-roading vehicle. Check them out:

Look Out for the Tires

Appropriate tires are crucial when it comes to excellent off-road experience. Ideally, you should look for mud-terrain [...]

The U.S.A. has a love affair with sports utility vehicles or SUVs. Among the 25 bestselling cars of 2020 are the Honda CR-V, Chevrolet Equinox, Ford Explorer, and Nissan Rogue, according to Kelly Blue Book. Big cars like SUVs and pickups are at the top, and they’re not going down soon. There are a lot of reasons Americans are obsessed with these vehicles: 

  • They’re useful tools – SUVs often come with large trunk spaces, making them ideal for carrying cargo, from work equipment to weekly groceries.
  • They’re perceived as safe – Over 68% of drivers look for safety and comfort when it comes to their SUVs, according to a recent survey by Volkswagen. They found that younger drivers value an SUV’s ability to handle rough roads safely compared to smaller cars. SUVs also let you sit higher, giving you the perception that you see more of the road.

Another advantage of SUVs is durability. A high-quality model from a reliable brand [...]

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